The sources of natural healing mineral waters classified as "natural mineral water, highly mineralized, acidic, bicarbonate-sulphate, calcium-magnesium with an increased content of bicarbonates and sulfates, with an increased content of calcium, magnesium and fluoride ion, weakly acidic , cold. There are 7 healing mineral springs Ludvig, Paula, Hedviga, Ondrej, Ďumbier, Vepor and the well ŠHB – 2 (the water is used to supply the spa fountain) in the spa park.
We use four mineral healing springs – Ondrej, Ludvig, Paula, Ďumbier. All the springs have practically the same chemical composition, while all of them are used for the drinking cure and the Ondrej spring at the same time for the preparation of mineral carbonated baths.
The waters are mainly used for drinking cures and mineral baths. The effect of drinking cures is most pronounced in diseases of the digestive system, and the effect of mineral baths is mainly in diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.

Based on the physical and chemical analysis, natural water can be characterized as moderately mineralized, weakly acidic, hypotonic, bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium-magnesium-sodium, carbonated, cold water with an increased fluorine content.
Indications for drinking therapy:
- loss of appetite (carbon dioxide)
- chronic inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis
- diuresis
- covering the need for calcium, magnesium and fluorine
Based on the physical and chemical analysis, natural water can be characterized as moderately mineralized, weakly acidic, hypotonic, bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium-magnesium-sodium, carbonated, cold water.
Indications for drinking therapy:
- loss of appetite (carbon dioxide)
- chronic inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis through increased diuresis
- partial coverage of daily calcium and magnesium requirements
Based on the physical and chemical analysis, natural water can be characterized as moderately mineralized, weakly acidic, hypotonic, bicarbonate-sulfate, calcium-magnesium-sodium, carbonated, cold water.
Indications for drinking therapy:
- loss of appetite (carbon dioxide)
- chronic inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis through increased diuresis
- covering the daily need for calcium and magnesium
- chronic inflammatory processes in the digestive tract (calcium and magnesium content), after shaking off carbon dioxide or heating water
On the basis of an extended analysis, the assessed natural healing water can be characterized as moderately mineralized, hydrogen carbonate-sulphate, calcium-magnesium-sodium, with an increased content of fluoride ion, weakly acidic, cold, hypotonic.
Indications for drinking therapy:
- loss of appetite (carbon dioxide)
- chronic inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and nephrolithiasis through increased diuresis
- covering the need for calcium, magnesium and fluorine