We use a number of top robotic devices, such as:

Reoambulator is a top robotic device that enables diagnostics, stimulation and walking therapy. It is designed for training of walk of patients with neurological and orthopaedic disorders. Darkov Spa is the only company in the Czech Republic, which owns this anti-gravity walking trainer.

Gloreha Professional 2 is a modern device for the rehabilitation of patients with neurological or post-traumatic hand injuries. It enables efficient, intense and early therapy. The device allows robotically assisted exercises based on feedback.

Lokohelp is a unique gait trainer that allows the patient to walk. To make locomotive therapy more effective, the device enables to simulate uphill walking. LokoHelp is used for various locomotive therapies, especially in patients with spinal cord injuries.
I’m stuck in a wheelchair since I was 22 and despite all the rehabilitation, I‘ve never had a significant improvement. I´ve slowly lost my motivation for further rehabilitation. I was advised to try the ReoAmbulator and it finally helped. I cannot even describe the great feeling when I could stand up and take a few steps. I´ve got a new impulse to life and thank you very much for that.
Roman, Czech Republic

Luna EMG is a comprehensive and unique device that provides motivational biofeedback and helps to restore movements that the patient is unable to handle on their own. Luna EMG uses bioelectrical signals (EMG) acquired from the patient’s muscles. The Luna device is mainly intended for patients who need to improve muscle strength, increase range of motion, improve coordination.

EKSO NR is a wearable bionic suit that allows patients with any deficit in muscle strength of the lower limbs to stand up and walk naturally at full load. Walking is achieved thanks to a unique solution for sensing weight transfer by sensors located in the device, which activate the motors in the hip and knee joints of the device. Exso NR can help people with hemiplegia due to a stroke, spinal cord injury and weakness caused by multiple sclerosis.

TYMO® Professional is a portable posturographic system with the thinnest platform in the world. The TYMO® PROFESSIONAL device enables you to perform functional training of standing, sitting, static and dynamic loading of the lower limbs and supporting functions of the upper limbs, for patients after a stroke, brain injury or for patients with other neurological diseases.

Device for the rehabilitation of patients with reduced upper limb function. ARMEO® SPRING enables functional training of the upper limbs for patients after a stroke, brain injury or for patients with other neurological diseases, rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgeries, with muscle atrophy, rehabilitation after TEP.

The Callis Trac 60E running belt is suitable for locomotion therapy, recovery and reconnecting of neuronic and muscular structures as well as for building up muscular strength, endurance and physical fitness.