An Overview of Locomotor Apparatus Indications
- Ankylosingspondylitis – Bechtěrev (VII/2)
- Arthrosisin otherlocations (VII/8)
- Painful syndromes oftendons and joints (VII/6)
- Vertebral algicsyndrome (VII/9)
- Coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis (VII/7)
- Extra-articularrheumatism (VII/4)
- Other seronegativespondyloarthropathies (VII/3)
- Osteoporosiscomplications (VII/5)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (VII/1)
- Conditions afterleg amputation (VII/12)
- Conditions afterorthopedic surgeries (VII/10)
- Conditionsafter injuries ofthe musculoskeletal system (VII/11)
An Overview of Nervous System Diseases
- Cerebral palsy (VI/10)
- Hemiparesis and paraparesis (VI/5)
- Flaccid paralysis (VI/1)
- Nerve root syndromes (VI/3)
- Neuromuscular diseases (VI/8)
- Parkinson’s disease (VI/11)
- Polyneuropathy (VI/2)
- Multiple sclerosis (VI/7)
- Conditions after nerve injuries and surgeries (VI/6)
- Syringomyelia (VI/9)
- Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (VI/4)
An Overview of Diseases of Circulatory System
- Hypertensive heart disease – level II and III (II/3)
- Peripheral arterial disease (II/4)
- Peripheral artery diseases and thrombosis (II/5)
- Conditions after reconstruction of the vascular system (II/8)
- Symptomatic coronary artery disease (II/I)
An Overview of Skin Diseases
- Atopic
An Overview of Gynecological Diseases
- Diseases of internal genitals (XI/2)
- Conditions after complicated gynecological surgeries (XI/3)
- Sterility and infertility (X/1)