We specialize in treatment of locomotor apparatus, rheumatic and degenerative diseases, posttraumatic and postoperative conditions including artificial joints and discs, treatment of neurological diseases, circulatory system and also skin and gynaecological diseases.
An Overview of Locomotor Apparatus Indications
- Ankylosingspondylitis – Bechtěrev (VII/2)
- Arthrosisin otherlocations (VII/8)
- Painful syndromes oftendons and joints (VII/6)
- Vertebral algicsyndrome (VII/9)
- Coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis (VII/7)
- Extra-articularrheumatism (VII/4)
- Other seronegativespondyloarthropathies (VII/3)
- Osteoporosiscomplications (VII/5)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (VII/1)
- Conditions afterleg amputation (VII/12)
- Conditions afterorthopedic surgeries (VII/10)
- Conditionsafter injuries ofthe musculoskeletal system (VII/11)
An Overview of Nervous System Diseases
- Cerebral palsy (VI/10)
- Hemiparesis and paraparesis (VI/5)
- Flaccid paralysis (VI/1)
- Nerve root syndromes (VI/3)
- Neuromuscular diseases (VI/8)
- Parkinson’s disease (VI/11)
- Polyneuropathy (VI/2)
- Multiple sclerosis (VI/7)
- Conditions after nerve injuries and surgeries (VI/6)
- Syringomyelia (VI/9)
- Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system (VI/4)
An Overview of Diseases of Circulatory System
- Hypertensive heart disease – level II and III (II/3)
- Peripheral arterial disease (II/4)
- Peripheral artery diseases and thrombosis (II/5)
- Conditions after reconstruction of the vascular system (II/8)
- Symptomatic coronary artery disease (II/I)
An Overview of Skin Diseases
- Atopic
An Overview of Gynecological Diseases
- Diseases of internal genitals (XI/2)
- Conditions after complicated gynecological surgeries (XI/3)
- Sterility and infertility (X/1)